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Wednesday 23 November 2011

Music & Me Pt 1, Daughtry- Break the Spell

So how do I actually begin..Music..probably my first love..maybe the love that I am sure will let me be who I need to be at any given time. From the time I was a kid, music has always fascinated me and I mean ALL genres, be it rock,rap, RnB, indie, classical, once it triggers that emotion in me, I'm caught in its spell.

So here i am typing on this keyboard and listening to the new album by Daughtry 'Break the Spell" , transported to several places both past, future and present and I can't help but let a tear roll at the good music i'm listening to. I guess if movies didn't have soundtracks i'd probably not love them as much too cos there's something about an emotional scene or action that is accompanied by a musical piece that kinda tells what that scene is.
Infact when I think about true love, or seeing something beautiful, i am actually also waiting for that soundtrack, that feeling, that music in the background that keeps it real.Whenever it plays, i know i'm on to something beautiful.

If ever there was an Achilles heel for me, its music! I'm listening to 'Crawling back to you' and I reminisce on how certain relationships don't make sense, and somehow whenever u close the door shut, u still open it and let that person in ( crazy!!), but these are emotions experienced by everyone.The power of forgiveness I guess or perhaps making do with what you have cos u haven't found what your looking for (different strokes for different folks).

Then I skip to 'Start of something good' which tells the story of how all the scars you may have born don't matter because for once in your life, the events of your life could be the start of something good.I hereby remain grateful for the little things, the wife, the kids, the job, the joy, the hurt, the pain, everything, realizing how we are not in control of anything and that this life is just a journey and you never know where it might take you.

I then jump to the title track 'Break the spell" and here is where I and music are intertwined wholly. See I am a gemini so i am very complex in my ways, that's why i kind of understand kanye west.He and I are actually Birthday mates lol. My point is, I can be fixated on anything so long as that thing rumbles me chemically.I have to have some sort of connection, feeling, chemistry, curiosity for it and till I find what i am looking for, or lose interest somewhat, that food will always remain on my plate.For instance, I am not a fan of PS3 adventure games, but i've been so addicted to James bond's bloodstone, that I kind of find myself playing it unend and thinking of ways to help Mr Bond complete his mission lol. I also have a weakness for those in need, hurt, pain, emotionally or otherwise like i am an angel sent to heal them or something. I just feel the need to help someway, and i do the best I can till the 'S" is carved of my chest by ground breaking reality, which is- " U can't save them all + it might not be ur place to save them anyways..lol or dude u"ve got problems , sort urs before theirs "

Now I'm listening to "Gone to soon" and i remember certain people who i've lost my grand-mum, my uncle P( one of the funniest uncles ever..more tear drops), and some close people who I loved (sincerely) and lost(dearly). Now don't get me wrong, i'm not that sissy, i could appear unemotional if u get hit by a bus, probably laugh at the shock of it, but MUSIC always releases my true emotions and there I am very vulnerable.

Now I'm on "rescue me" , for which i let out a long sigh and breadth...who doesn't need rescuing???. Sometimes I'm not even sure what I need rescuing from, but i guess i do...life has crazy responsibilities and U try so hard to keep it together, to make sure ur ahead or grounded, it get's worse with age, like a new stage in a computer game.U beat one level, jump the stones, then level two comes with minefields lol.I'm grateful to God for sustaining me this far and for all the blessings I have received.

I now stop at 'everything but me", where I pledge my undying love for music, for her sweet gift, for a shelter to hide my fears, my tears, express my joys, where I make my mistakes( knowing or unknowingly), where I am free to give the world a middle finger if needs be, and just f-ing exist because a Higher power willed it.

Music is where I hold on to All I dream...

Go pick Daughtry's -Break the spell, it's that good. Oh and Drake's 'Take care' album did like  659,000 copies sold.Nice for hip hop, especially when some artists are just selling 9000 copies lol

Cheers y'all.2B continued..ONE!!


Friday 11 November 2011

The Man With the Golden Balls

 Yes , folks you got me, I'm out of R.kelly's closet ( Finally! the dude was just pissing all over me, what am I? 14 ?..smh). So yes its me - THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN BALLS and I am not to be fucked with!

 Hey stop judging I am not the only one with golden balls, there was Ghadaffi who thought he could rule libya for infinity side by side with his bond girls. I mean this dude was on the road to establishing a whole Muslim continent. Well we all know how that turned out (sigh), Please if anyone has seen my golden gun which the barstado stole from me, just give it back, i mean you can keep the girls, but give me that gun, imagine strutting around with a golden ball and no gun, I mean that is not even like shooting blanks, ecstasy won't save u and u won't be getting ecstasy for a long time too..lol. But seriously , what in the hell was he thinking, and that silly son of his is just as....no comment jare.

So on to the next one , now this nigga ..lol , plans to be the next US president but can't remember his lines/strategy during his presidential debate, infact to quote CNN -
"(CNN) -- One is the loneliest number. Two can be as bad as one. And three, well ... um ... what was three again?
Three is hard. I'll start by quoting the silence heard around the political world during Wednesday night's CNBC Republican presidential debate. Here were Texas Gov. Rick Perry's words in the middle of one of his answers: "I will tell you: It's three agencies of government, when I get there, that are gone: Commerce, Education and the -- what's the third one there? Let's see. ... OK. So Commerce, Education and the -- ... The third agency of government I would -- I would do away with the Education, the ... Commerce and -- let's see -- I can't. The third one, I can't. Sorry. Oops."

I mean seriously ..lol..what the hell is wrong with republican candidates , reminds me of someone ..who again ( pondering). Oh yes , this 'Bush nigga rite thur' ------------->
Now , this is a brother with golden balls, him and his sidekick, atleast he got away with his ignorance of certain workings of the US system, come to think of it , he may have not been dumb at all ..Naaa ..who am I kidding, he had a shoe thrown at him, that has to be some ignorant shit.

Look guys, ladies, gigolets etc all i am saying is if you have to declare that your riding the shiniest nuts ever, please let it glister, glimmer, let it outshine the damn sun, don"t be like this other ignorant dude, with real golden balls.I mean, DON'T go and kill off the King of Pop music, the great MICHAEL JACKSON by dosing him with lethal volumes of propofol and claim that you are weaning him off the addiction. DON'T shoot a damn documentary while your case is ongoing.I mean obviously he was looking for another quick buck, and Jermaine jackson was kinda right in his interview with piers morgan, this dude is just a finger to that whole conspiracy, there are bigger hands in it.Only time will tell if they will be uncovered, though I think he knew his time was up and he wanted some security..aha! sharp man, ma' nigga'.

But wait oooo, this whole bruhahaha was about me and my own golden balls!!! how did these dudes steal the show. I guess i'll delve into that some other time then, we as human beings always find time to do some ignorant shit, that's what makes the world go round ( literally too, global warming ain't a joke!!)

Oh yeah I still co-sign drake's "take care" album , here's a link to tell you all about it -  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take_Care .  I hope it sells well cos the damn thing leaked like a week ago .Stop looking at me, I didn't download it, it just kinda made its way into my bloody system (psych..lol). Anyways , its a good album, cash money/young money records are on a roll meeen, it used to be aftermath, shady and g-unit ..but all things must change.

Speaking of change, i need to take off these draws of mine, I believe i have done enough to put my dick on ur mind ( NO HOMO), seriously -no homo, love the gays, but no homo. On that subject I hear some coach was fired cos his assistant waw molesting his players for years, I mean..smh..what the hell??  That's why i am not a fan of dudes hugging me.What happened to the handshakes or a good ghetto pound, why must a guy express affection by hugging and crotching it out with me as a sign of greeting, a serious NO NO.

I digress anyways , " sorry , what my time is up?? uh huh" right so my program director just says I should quit it.Till next time, feel free to be free, express yourself and shit, and feel free to grab your golden balls and strut with pride, ladies...hell i don't know, ladies grab ur man's own golden balls and strut around, lol,, Live Well.!!!RIP Heavy D  ...2B continued, ONE!

Thursday 10 November 2011


So basically who doesn't like a good intro? be it from your favorite album, movie, or when a special someone gives u a special dance on your birthday..lol.

Well out of undying boredom created by the unending break/holidays from work and after a certain family relation of mine started her own blog , of which i really don't understand yet, and also my undying wish to express myself, say some shit, speak my mind, shocking as some may be, I hereby give u the INTRO  to this blog ( my spider sense just tingled" this is a bad idea") ..hmmm...Alas i care not, before my kids storm into the bedroom again and create a new stunt like evil ken evil, for which i as a parent ( unbelievable abi?) must don a cape and put on tights and save the day , i shall type away before the true hero (their mother) comes and save the day.

Basically y'all, imma just say some shit as it comes to mind, be warned, be prepared, and enjoy...oh u guys should go check out Drake's 'Take care' album, very impressive stuff...2Bcontinued..OUT!